Professor Griffin visited Davis in December, 2008 at the invitation of Davis 9/11 Truth and gave a presentation on the campus of the University of California, Davis. Although that presentation was not videotaped you can find many videos of Prof. Griffin via a web search or at the following sites:
The following website is created by Ken Jenkins of California:
The following website is maintained by Edward Rynearson:
We recommend all of Prof. Griffin’s books, speeches, and articles. He has probably done more to expose the fallacies of the government’s account of 9/11 than any other American. He had a distinguished career as a theologian at Claremont College in California and had authored or co-authored 25 or so books before he even heard about 9/11. Prof. Griffin has been a prolific writer, starting with The New Pearl Harbor and The 9/11 Commission: Omissions and Distortions, his first 2 books about 9/11. These books alone provide a wealth of information about 9/11 contrary to official sources and can successfully persuade most people that something is amiss. His subsequent books only further developed the evidence in favor of 9/11 Truth. Prof. Griffin is seen by many as the father of the 9/11 Truth movement, although it is very decentralized and diverse, and although he is too humble to assume that title for himself. Thank you Prof. Griffin!