NSA spying

On June 6 2013, shortly after the Edward Snowden revelation of illegal and unconstitutional and secret spying by the NSA (National Security Agency) on millions of Americans, 25 members of Congress wrote a letter to the heads of the FBI (Robert Mueller) and NSA (General Alexander) asking 8 questions about the agencies’ spying.  You can download that letter here:


The author of this website wrote separate letters to each of those 25 Members of Congress thanking them for their work on this issue and encouraging them to continue.  A few wrote back including Rep. Tom McClintock (CA), Rep. Raul Labrador (ID) and Rep. Walter Jones (NC).
Rep. Tom McClintock (CA – 4)

Rep Tom McClintock reply Dec 23 2013_0001

Rep Tom McClintock reply Dec 23 2013

Rep Raul Labrador letter on NSA July 31 2013

Rep. Walter Jones of North Carolina gave the best and earliest response (best in part because it was the earliest).  He stated his commitment to the U.S. Constitution.

Rep Walter Jones letter on NSA June 27 2013


In a Democracy Now! special, we spend the hour with four former U.S. intelligence officials — all whistleblowers themselves — who have just returned from visiting National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden in Russia. They are former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, former FBI agent Coleen Rowley, former National Security Agency senior executive Thomas Drake, and former U.S. Justice Department ethics adviser Jesselyn Radack, now of the Government Accountability Project. On Wednesday, the group presented Snowden with an award from the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence. “In our visit, we told Edward Snowden that he had begun the debate by disclosing to American citizens what was going on — this massive spying upon American citizens,” Rowley says. “We were happy to tell him the debate has begun, but he is very concerned, and this is actually the reason he has sacrificed so much: He wants to see these laws, these secret interpretations of the law, I should say, fixed.”